LibreOffice 25.2 እርዳታ
መላኪያ የ አሁኑን ፋይል ወደ EPUB.
EPUB መደበኛ የ ኤሌክትሮኒክ መጽሀፍ ፋይሎች ነው ከ ተጨማሪዎች ጋር: .epub ማውረድ እና ማንበብ ይቻላል በ ተለያዩ አካሎች ላይ እንደ ስማርት ስልኮች: ታብሌቶች: ኮምፒዩተሮች: ወይንም ኤ-ማንበቢያ
የ EPUB ፋይል ውጤት እትም ማሰናጃ
Select the type of start of the next EPUB section.
Heading: Starts the next section on headings, according to the document outline numbering.
የ ገጽ መጨረሻ: በ ገጽ መጨረሻ አዲስ ክፍል መጀመሪያ:
ወደ የ ተለያየ ወይንም የ ተወሰነ እቅድ EPUB ይመነጭ እንደሆን መወሰኛ
Reflowable: The content flows, or reflows, to fit the screen and to fit the needs of the user. This also means that page style information (for example page size or header/footer content) is not exported.
Fixed: Gives greater control over presentation when a reflowable EPUB is not suitable for the content.
Enter the full path of the custom cover image file. If the entry is empty, the exporter takes the cover image in the media directory (see below) when the name is one of the following: cover.gif, cover.jpg, cover.png or cover.svg.
የ ሽፋን ምስል ማስተካከያ ከ EPUB ፋይል ጋር የ ተጣበቀ ነው:
Enter the custom media directory for the EPUB file. The media directory may contain a cover image as seen above, custom metadata and image links.
By default, the exporter looks for custom media and custom metadata in the current document directory inside a folder with the same name of the document file name. For example, if the document name is MyText.odt, the default media folder for cover and metadata is MyText in the current directory.
For custom metadata, you must provide a file with same name as the original filename and with extension as ".xmp". The provided metadata will override the internal document metadata. In the example above, the custom metadata must exist in the MyText directory as MyText.xmp.
Image links mean that if you create relative links on images or text and they link an image that's available in the media directory, then this media will be available in the EPUB export result as a popup.
Enter the custom metadata to override the document default metadata. These text fields can be left empty.
ለ ሕትመት የ ተለየ መለያ ያስገቡ
ለ ሕትመት መለያ አርእስት ያስገቡ
ለ ሕትመት ደራሲ ያስገቡ
የ ሕትመት ቋንቋ (ይህን ይመልከቱ RFC4646 እና ISO 639 የሚቻሉ ዋጋዎች).
ሕትመቱ መጨረሻ የ ተሻሻለበት ቀን: የዚህ ባህሪ ዋጋ የ XML Schema ቀን ሰአት መሆን አለበት ማረጋገጫ ቀን ለ ፎርም: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. ነባሩ ቀን እና ሰአት ነው: የ መላኪያ ንግግር በሚከፈት ጊዜ: