
ለ ተመረጠው ዘዴ ምርጫ ማሰናጃ

ይህን ትእዛዝ ለ መፈጸም...

Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and choose New/Edit Style - Organizer tab.


Displays the name of the selected style. If you are creating or modifying a custom style, enter a name for the style. You cannot change the name of a predefined style.

Inherit from

Select an existing style (or - None -) to provide its definitions to the current style. Use the other tabs to modify the inherited style.


You cannot use this option with a page style or a list style.

Edit Style

Edit the properties of the parent style.


ለ አሁኑ ዘዴ ምድብ ማሳያ: እርስዎ የሚፈጥሩ ወይንም የሚያሻሽሉ ከሆነ አዲስ ዘዴ: ይምረጡ 'ዘዴ ማስተካከያ' ከ ዝርዝር ውስጥ


እርስዎ መቀየር አይችሉም በቅሚያ የተወሰነ ዘዴ ምድብን


በ አሁኑ ዘዴ ውስጥ የ ተጠቀሙትን አቀራረብ መግለጫ

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