ወረቀቶችን እንደገና መሰየሚያ

Setting sheet names is an important feature to produce readable and understandable spreadsheets documents.


የ ወረቀት ስም ነፅ ነው ከ ከ ሰንጠረዥ ስም: እርስዎ የ ሰንጠረዥ ስም የሚያስገቡት አንድ ጊዜ ነው ለ መጀመሪያ ጊዜ እንደ ፋይል ሲያስቀምጡት:

To rename a sheet in your document:

  1. Double-click the sheet tab or open its context menu and choose Rename Sheet. A dialog box appears where you can enter a new name.

  2. ለ ወረቀቱ አዲስ ስም ያስገቡ እና ይጫኑ እሺ

  3. በ አማረጭ: ተጭነው ይያዙ የ እና ይጫኑ በማንኛውም ወረቀት ስም ላይ እና አዲስ ስም በ ቀጥታ ያስገቡ


ሰነድ እስከ 10,000 የ ተለያዩ ወረቀቶች መያዝ ይችላል: ነገር ግን የ ተለያየ ስም ሊኖራቸው ይገባል

Sheet Naming Restrictions

የ ወረቀት ስም ማንኛውንም ባህሪ መያዝ ይችላል: አንዳንድ የ ስም ገደቦች አሉ: የሚቀጥሉት ባህሪዎች ለ ወረቀት ስም መሰየሚያ የ ተፈቀዱ አይደሉም:

The single quote is Unicode U+0027, also known as apostrophe. Other single-quote characters, similar to apostrophe, are allowed, such as ʼ and .

Using a Default Prefix for Sheet Names

You can set a prefix for the names of new sheets you create. Choose - LibreOffice Calc - Defaults and enter the prefix name in Prefix name for new worksheet.

Referencing Sheet Names with Special Characters

In cell references, a sheet name must be enclosed in single quotes ' when the name contains other characters than alphanumeric or underscore. A single quote contained within a name has to be escaped by doubling it (two single quotes).

For example, you want to reference the cell A1 on a sheet named This year's sheet.

The reference must be enclosed in single quotes, and the one single quote inside the name must be doubled: 'This year''s sheet'.A1

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