የ ግራ ተግባር

ይመልሳል ቁጥር የ ሩቅ ግራ ባህሪዎች እርስዎ መወሰን የሚፈልጉትን የ ሀረግ መግለጫ


Left (string As String, length As Long) As String

ዋጋ ይመልሳል:



string: Any string expression that you want to return the leftmost characters from.

length: Numeric expression that specifies the number of characters that you want to return. If length = 0, a zero-length string is returned. The maximum allowed value is 2,147,483,648.

የሚቀጥለው ምስሌ ይቀይራል ቀን በ አአአአ.ወወ.ቀቀ አቀራረብ ወደ ወወ/ቀቀ/አአአአ አቀራረብ

የ ስህተት ኮዶች:

5 ዋጋ የሌለው የ አሰራር ጥሪ


Sub ExampleUSDate
Dim sInput As String
Dim sUS_date As String
    sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the international format 'YYYY-MM-DD'")
    sUS_date = Mid(sInput, 6, 2)
    sUS_date = sUS_date & "/"
    sUS_date = sUS_date & Right(sInput, 2)
    sUS_date = sUS_date & "/"
    sUS_date = sUS_date & Left(sInput, 4)
    MsgBox sUS_date
End Sub

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