
የሚቀጥለው አረፍተ ነገር ዙሮች ይፈጽማል

ዙር...መስሪያ አረፍተ ነገር

Repeats the statements between the Do and the Loop statement while the condition is True or until the condition becomes True.

ለ...የሚቀጥለው አረፍተ ነገር

Repeats the statements between the For...Next block a specified number of times.

ትንሽ...መምሪያ አረፍተ ነገር

When a program encounters a While statement, it tests the condition. If the condition is False, the program continues directly following the Wend statement. If the condition is True, the loop is executed until the program finds Wend and then jumps back to the While statement. If the condition is still True, the loop is executed again.

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