Tan Function

የ ታንጀንት አንግል መወሰኛ: አንግል የሚወሰነው በ ራዲያንስ ነው

Using the angle Alpha, the Tan function calculates the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle.

Tan(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle


Tan (Number As Double) As Double

ዋጋ ይመልሳል:



ቁጥር: ማንኛውም የ ቁጥር መግለጫ እርስዎ ማስላት የሚፈልጉት የ ታንጀት ለ (በ ራዲያንስ ውስጥ).

To convert degrees to radians, multiply by Pi/180. To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/Pi.



Pi is approximately 3.141593.

የ ስህተት ኮዶች:

5 ዋጋ የሌለው የ አሰራር ጥሪ


' In this example, the following entry is possible for a right-angled triangle:
' The side opposite the angle and the angle (in degrees) to calculate the length of the side adjacent to the angle:
Sub ExampleTangens
' Pi = 3.1415926 is a pre-defined variable
Dim d1 As Double
Dim dAlpha As Double
    d1 = InputBox("Enter the length of the side opposite the angle: ","opposite")
    dAlpha = InputBox("Enter the Alpha angle (in degrees): ","Alpha")
    Print "the length of the side adjacent the angle is"; (d1 / tan (dAlpha * Pi / 180))
End Sub

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