The Foddaa Gargaarsa LibreOffice

Sajoo Ofegannoo

The Help system for all versions of the software is based on the same source files. Some of the functions described in Help may not be included in this particular distribution. Some features specific to a distribution may not be mentioned in this Help.

The Help window shows the currently selected Help page.

The Toolbar contains important functions for controlling the Help system:


Hides and shows the navigation pane.


Moves back to the previous page.


Moves forward to the next page.


Moves to the first page of the current Help topic.


Prints the current page.


Adds this page to your bookmarks.

Sajoo barbaaduu

Opens the Find on this page dialog.

Ajaajootni kun baafata halqaraa galmee gargaartuu keessattis ni argamu.

Fuula Gargarsaa

You can copy from the Help Viewer to the clipboard on your operating system with standard copy commands. For example:

  1. Fuula Gargarsaa irraa, barruu isa garagalchuu barbaaddu fili.

  2. Press +C.

Fuula Gargarsaa ammee barbaaduudhaaf:

  1. Sajoo Fuula kana irra barbaadi filadhu.

    Qaaqi Fuula kana irra barbaadi nibanama.

    Sajoo Yaaddannoo

    You can also click in the Help page and press +F.

  2. Sanduuqabarbaadiifkeessaa, barruu argachuu barbaaddu galchi.

  3. Dirqaalee barbaaduu/sakatta'uu itti fayyadamuu barbaaddu filadhu.

  4. Barbaadi cuqaasi.

    Jecha barbaaduu itti aanee dhufu fuulicha irratti argachuudhaaf, irra deebiitiibarbaadicuqaasi.

Hirdaatii Naanna'iinsaa

Hirdaatiin naanna'insaa foddaa gargaartuu fuuloota caancalee of keessatti qaba Qabeentoota, Kasaa, Barbaadi fi Toorbarruuwwan.

Sanduuqni tarree gubbaarra jiru iddoo ati itti kan biroo filattuLibreOffice Mojuuloota gargaartuu. Kasaa fi Barbaadiin fuuloota caancalaa mojuulii filataman qofa LibreOffice qaba.


Kasaa mata dureewwan filatamoo mojuulootaa hundaa agarsiisa.


Tarree kasaa jechoota ijoo mojuulii ammee filatame LibreOffice agarsiisa.


Barbaada barruu-guutuu raawwachuuf si hayyama.Barbaadi kun qabiyyee gargaartuu mojuulii ammee filatame LibreOffice mara dabalata


Toorbarruuwwan hiika fayyadamaa of keessatti qaba. Toorbarruuwwan gulaaluu yookaan haquu dandeessa, yookaan gara fuuloota walgitaniitti ce'uuf irratti cuqaasi.

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