UNO Objects, Functions and Services

Functions, objects and services of Unified Network Objects (UNO).

BasicLibraries Object

CreateUnoStruct Function

Battalee akaakuu caasaa Uno tiif uuma.

CreateUnoService Function

Tajaajila Uno, ProcessServiceManager wajjiniin kaasa.

CreateUnoDialog Function

Wanta bu'uraa Uno kan to'ataa qaaqa Uno yeroo sa'aa darbee isaa waamamu uuma.

CreateUnoListener Function

Gatii yeroo dhaggeeffataaf uuma.

CreateUnoValue Function

Wanta gatiin isaa sirritti beekame kan sirna akaakuu Uno wabeeffatu bakka bu'u deebisa.

CreateObject Function

UNO object uuma. Foddaaleerrattis, OLE objects uumuu ni danda'a.

Tooftaan kun akaakuu miseensota akka ulaagaatti darban uuma.

EqualUnoObjects Function

Yoo wantootni Basic Uno ibsaman lamaan, gatii wanta Uno tokko bakka bu'an, dhugaatu deebi'a.

CreateUnoService Function

Tajaajila Uno, ProcessServiceManager wajjiniin kaasa.

DialogLibraries Object

GetDefaultContext Function

Kan inni deebisu tajaajila durtii warshaa yookiin wabii duwwaa ta'e dha.

GetProcessServiceManager Function

ProcessServiceManager (central Uno ServiceManager) deebisa.

GlobalScope specifier

To manage personal or shared library containers (LibreOffice Macros or My Macros) from within a document, use the GlobalScope specifier.

HasUnoInterfaces Function

Yoo wanti Basic Uno walquunnama Uno muraasa deeggare, qorata.

IsUnoStruct Function

Yoo wanti kenname Uno struct ta'e, True deebisa.

StarDesktop object

The StarDesktop object represents LibreOffice application. Some routines or user interface objects such as current window can be used via StarDesktop.

ThisComponent Object

Addresses the active component whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called. ThisComponent is used in Basic, where it represents the current document. Properties and methods available through ThisComponent depend on the document type.


LibreOffice provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows controlling the LibreOffice components with different programming languages by using the LibreOffice Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit

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