Цртање кривини

The Curve tool Icon lets you draw a curved line that consists of one or more line segments. Each Bézier curve segment is defined by two data points (endpoints) and one or two control points (handles) that you can drag to adjust the arc of the curve. A control point is connected to a data point by a control line. Moving a control point pulls the curve towards it, and changes the shape of a curve.

Note Icon

Control points are only visible in "Edit Points" mode. Control points are represented by circles, anchor points are represented by squares. The start point is a little bit larger than the other anchor points.

Bézier кривата има три типа на точка со податоци:

How to use the Curve tool

  1. Open the Curves toolbar, and select the Curve tool Icon.

  2. Кликнете каде што сакате да почнува кривата и влечете кратко растојание во насоката во која сакате да оди кривата. Контролната линија ќе ја покажува насоката.

    Hold down Shift while you drag to restrict the direction to a 45 degree grid.

  3. Отпуштете го глувчето.

  4. Преместете го покажувачот каде што сакате сегментот на кривата да заврши. Кривата ќе го следи покажувачот.

  5. Направете едно од следново:

How to use the Freeform Line tool

  1. Open the Curves toolbar, and select the Curve tool Icon.

  2. Click where you want the curve to start, and keep holding the mouse button down.

  3. Draw the freeform line as you would do with a pencil.

  4. Release the mouse button to finish the line.

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