Saglabāt un turpināt

Specifies whether you want to register the database, open the database for editing, or insert a new table.

Jā, reģistrēt datubāzi priekš manis

Select to register the database within your user copy of LibreOffice. After registering, the database is displayed in the View - Data Sources window. You must register a database to be able to insert the database fields in a document (Insert - Field - More Fields) or in a mail merge.

Nē, nereģistrēt datubāzi

Select to keep the database information only within the created database file.

Atvērt datubāzi rediģēšanai

Select to display the database file, where you can edit the database structure.

Veidot tabulas, izmantojot tabulu vedni

Select to call the Table Wizard after the Database Wizard is finished.

Datubāzes vednis

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