Formas vednis - Saņemt savienotos laukus

If you chose in step 2 to set up a subform based on manual selection of fields, you can select the joined fields on this wizard page.

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Klikšķiniet Lietot vedni, lai izveidotu formu datubāzes datnes logā.

Pirmais savienotais apakšformas lauks

Select the subform field that is joined to the main form field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Pirmais savienotais galvenās formas lauks

Select the main form field that is joined to the subform field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Otrais savienotais apakšformas lauks

Select the subform field that is joined to the main form field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Otrais savienotais galvenās formas lauks

Select the main form field that is joined to the subform field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Trešais savienotais apakšformas lauks

Select the subform field that is joined to the main form field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Trešais savienotais galvenās formas lauks

Select the main form field that is joined to the subform field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Ceturtais savienotais apakšformas lauks

Select the subform field that is joined to the main form field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Ceturtais savienotais galvenās formas lauks

Select the main form field that is joined to the subform field, which you select in the list box next to this list box.

Formas vednis - Izvietot vadīklas

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