\<bookmark_value\>Line function\</bookmark_value\>

Line Input # Statement

Reads strings from a sequential file into a variable.


Line Input #FileNumber As Integer, Var As String


\<emph\>FileNumber: \</emph\>Number of the file that contains the data that you want to read. The file must have been opened in advance with the Open statement using the key word READ.

\<emph\>var:\</emph\> The name of the variable that stores the result.

With the \<emph\>Line Input#\</emph\> statement, you can read strings from an open file into a variable. String variables are read line-by-line up to the first carriage return (Asc=13) or linefeed (Asc=10). Line end marks are not included in the resulting string.


Sub ExampleWorkWithAFile
Dim iNumber As Integer
Dim sLine As String
Dim aFile As String
Dim sMsg As String
    aFile = "c:\data.txt"
    iNumber = Freefile
    Open aFile For Output As #iNumber
    Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text"
    Print #iNumber, "This is another line of text"
    Close #iNumber
    iNumber = Freefile
    Open aFile For Input As iNumber
    While Not EOF(iNumber)
        Line Input #iNumber, sLine
        If sLine <>"" Then
            sMsg = sMsg & sLine & chr(13)
        End If
    Close #iNumber
    MsgBox sMsg
End Sub

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