Deseño de índice

The Index Design dialog allows you to define and edit the indexes for the current table.

Para acceder a esta orde...

In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert - Table Design or Edit - Edit.

Deseño de táboa

Lista de índices

Displays a list of available indexes. Select an index from the list to edit. The details of the selected index are displayed in the dialog.

Índice novo

Crea un índice novo.

Eliminar índice actual

Elimina o índice actual.

Renomear o índice actual

Renomea o índice actual.

Gardar índice actual

Garda o índice actual na fonte de datos.

Redefinir o índice actual

Restaura o índice actual á configuración que tiña cando se iniciou o diálogo.

Detalles do índice

As soon as you change a detail of the current index and then select another index, the change is immediately passed on to the data source. You can only leave the dialog, or select another index, if the change has been successfully acknowledged by the data source. However, you can undo the change by clicking the Reset Current Index icon.


Specifies whether the current index allows only unique values. Checking the Unique option prevents duplicate data from being entered in the field and ensures data integrity.


A área Campos exhibe unha lista de campos da táboa actual. Pode seleccionar campos múltiplos. Para eliminar un campo da selección, escolla a entrada baleira do inicio da lista.

Campo de índice

Displays a list of the fields in the current table. You can select more than one field.

Orde de clasificación

Determines the sort order of the indexes.


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