Sistema eragilea identifikatzea

Sistema eragilea Python zein Basic lengoaiekin identifikatu daiteke.


ComputerName propietatea Windowserako soilik dago erabilgarri. LibreOffice Basic lengoaiaren mugak gainditzeko, Python makroak deitu daitezke Basic-etik.

Python klase bat erabilita:

        import os, platform
        class Platform():
            def ComputerName(self): return platform.node()
            def DirSeparator(self): return os.sep
            def isLinux(self): return (self.OSName=='Linux')
            def isMacOSX(self): return (self.OSName=='Darwin')
            def isWindows(self): return (self.OSName=='Windows')
            def OSName(self): return platform.system()
            def PathDelimiter(self): return os.pathsep

Basic klase-modulu bat erabilita:


LibreOffice Basic lengoaiak ez du jatorrizko MacOS X ezagutza. Plataformaren identifikazioa LibreOffice APIa erabilita egin daiteke.

        Option Compatible
        Option ClassModule
        Option Explicit
        Public Property Get ComputerName As String
            If isWindows Then ComputerName = Environ("ComputerName")
        End Property ' Platform.ComputerName
        Public Property Get DirSeparator As String
            DirSeparator = GetPathSeparator()
        End Property ' Platform.DirSeparator
        Public Property Get IsLinux As Boolean
            isLinux = ( GetGUIType()=4 ) ' Applies to MacOS X as well 
        End Property ' Platform.isLinux
        Public Property Get IsMacOSX As Boolean
            isMacOSX = ( OSName="MAC" )
        End Property ' Platform.isMacOSX
        Public Property Get IsWindows As Boolean
            isWindows = ( GetGUIType()=1 )
        End Property ' Platform.isWindows
        Public Property Get OSName As String
            ' Itzuli plataformaren izena honela: "MAC", "UNIX", "WIN"
            ' "Tools.UCB.ShowHelperDialog" funtziotik ondorioztatua
            With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
                If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
            End With
            Dim keyNode As Object '
            keyNode = Tools.Misc.GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Office.Common/Help")
            OSName = keyNode.GetByName("System")
        End Property ' Platform.OSName
        Public Property Get PathDelimiter As String
            Select Case OSName
                Case "MAC", "UNIX" : PathDelimiter = ":"
                Case "WIN" : PathDelimiter = ";"
             End Select
        End Property ' Platform.PathDelimiter



>>> from <the_module> import Platform

>>> print(Platform().isMacOSX) # objektu-propietatea


>>> input(Platform().OSName) # objektu-propietatea


Tresnak - Makroak - Exekutatu makroa... menutik.

        from <the_module> import Platform
        import screen_io as ui
        p = Platform()
        ui.MsgBox(''.join(['isMacOS: ',str(p.isMacOSX)]),0,p.OSName)

LibreOffice Basic lengoaiarekin

        Sub Platform_example()
            Dim p As New Platform ' Platform klasearen instantzia
            MsgBox p.isLinux ' objektu-propietatea
            Print p.isWindows, p.OSName ' objektu-propietateak
        End Sub ' Platform_example

Emaguzu laguntza!