
Adds or removes and formats line numbers in the current document. To exclude a paragraph from line numbering, click in the paragraph, choose Format - Paragraph, click the Numbering tab, and then clear the Include this paragraph in line numbering check box. You can also exclude a paragraph style from line numbering.

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Vali Tööriistad - Reanummerdus (välja arvatud HTML-vormingu puhul)

Nummerduse näitamine

Adds line numbers to the current document.


Määra reanumbrite omadused.


Select the formatting style that you want to use for the line numbers.


Select the numbering style that you want to use.


Select where you want the line numbers to appear.


Enter the amount of space that you want to leave between the line numbers and the text.


Enter the counting interval for the line numbers.


You can enter a separator character to display between line numbers if the counting interval is more than one.


Sisesta tekst, mida soovid eraldajana kasutada.


Enter the number of lines to leave between the separators.

Märkuse ikoon

Eraldajaid näidatakse ainult neis ridades, mida ei nummerdata.


Specify whether to include empty paragraphs or lines in frames in the line count.

TĂĽhjad read

Includes empty paragraphs in the line count.

Lines in frames

Adds line numbers to text in frames. The numbering restarts in each frame, and is excluded from the line count in the main text area of the document. In linked frames, the numbering is not restarted.

Alustatakse igal lehekĂĽljel uuesti

Restarts line numbering at the top of each page in the document.

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