Using the Presenter Console

The Presenter Console displays the slide show in an external screen (projector or large television), while the presentation controls are shown in the computer screen.

The Presenter Console provides extra control over slide shows by using different views on your computer display and on the display seen by the audience. The view you see on your computer display includes the current slide, the upcoming slide, optionally the slide notes, and a presentation timer.


The Presenter Console works only on an operating system that supports multiple displays and only when two displays are connected (one may be the laptop built-in display).

Presenter console activation

To enable the Presenter Console:

Ekraanipilt Impressi üldistest sätetest

To activate the Presenter Console:

Presenter console controls

Presenter Console Controls

Ettekandjakuva kiirklahvid

Ettekandjakuva abil slaidiseanssi näidates saab kasutada järgmisi kiirklahve.



Järgmine slaid või järgmine efekt

Klõps, nool paremale, nool alla, tühikuklahv, Page Down, Enter, Return, N

Eelmine slaid või eelmine efekt

Paremklõps, nool vasakule, nool üles, Page Up, Backspace, P

Esimene slaid


Viimane slaid


Eelmine slaid ilma efektideta

Alt+Page Up

Järgmine slaid ilma efektideta

Alt+Page Down

LĂĽlitab musta ekraani

B, punkt

LĂĽlitab valget ekraani

W, koma

Lõpetab slaidiseansi

Esc, -

Viib vastavale slaidile

Arv ja siis Enter

Suurendab/vähendab märkmete fonti

G, S

Kerib märkmeid üles/alla

A, Z

Liigutab kursorit märkmetes tagasi/edasi

H, L

Näitab ettekandjakuva


Kuvab esitluse märkmed


Kuvab slaidide ĂĽlevaate


Presenter Console modes

Normal Mode

The Normal mode shows the current slide on the left and the next slide on the right of the computer display.

Presenter console normal mode

Notes mode

The Notes mode displays the current slide on the left, the slides notes on the right and the next slide below the current slide.

Notes mode

Slide sorter mode

The Slide Sorter mode displays all slides in the computer screen and allows to display the selected slide out of the presentation order.

Slide sorter mode

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