
Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet area or to define your own AutoFormats.

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Vali Vormindus - Automaatvorminduse stiilid

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Choose a predefined AutoFormat to apply to a selected area in your sheet.

Eelvaate väli

Kuvab aktiivse valiku eelvaate.


Allows you to add the current formatting of a range of at least 4 x 4 cells to the list of predefined AutoFormats. The Add AutoFormat dialog then appears.

Enter a name and click OK.


Kustutab valitud elemendi või elemendid pärast kinnituse saamist.


Opens a dialog where you can change the name of the selected AutoFormat.

The Rename AutoFormat dialog opens. Enter the new name of the AutoFormat here.


In this section you can select or deselect the available formatting options. If you want to keep any of the settings currently in your spreadsheet, deselect the corresponding option.


When marked, specifies that you want to retain the number format of the selected format.


When marked, specifies that you want to retain the border of the selected format.


When marked, specifies that you want to retain the font of the selected format.


When marked, specifies that you want to retain the pattern of the selected format.


When marked, specifies that you want to retain the alignment of the selected format.

Laiuse ja kõrguse automaatne sobitamine

When marked, specifies that you want to retain the width and height of the selected cells of the selected format.

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