Fill Series

Automatically generate series with the options in this dialog. Determine direction, increment, time unit and series type.

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Vali Leht - Lahtrite täitmine - Jadad

Jadade automaatseks jätkamiseks eeldatavate reeglite põhjal tuleb pärast dialoogi Jada täitmine valimist märkida valik Automaattäitmine.


Määrab jada moodustamise suuna.


Creates a downward series in the selected cell range for the column using the defined increment to the end value.


Creates a series running from left to right within the selected cell range using the defined increment to the end value.


Creates an upward series in the cell range of the column using the defined increment to the end value.


Creates a series running from right to left in the selected cell range using the defined increment to the end value.

Jada tüüp

Määrab jada tüübi. Valida saab aritmeetilise, geomeetrilise, kuupäevade jada ning automaattäitmise vahel.


Creates a linear number series using the defined increment and end value.


Creates a growth series using the defined increment and end value.


Creates a date series using the defined increment and end date.


Forms a series directly in the sheet. The AutoFill function takes account of customized lists. For example, by entering January in the first cell, the series is completed using the list defined under - LibreOffice Calc - Sort Lists.

Automaattäitmine üritab jätkata jadasid etteantud näidiste alusel. Jada 1,3,5 jätkatakse automaatselt 7,9,11,13 jne. abil. Jada 1,3,6 jätkatakse 2,4,7,3,5,8,4,6,9, jne. Kuupäevade ja kellaaegade jadasid jätkatakse analoogiliselt, näiteks pärast 01.01.99 ja 15.01.99 kasutatakse 14-päevast intervalli.

Automaatne jadade genereerimine


Siin saab valida soovitud ajaühiku. See paneel on aktiivne ainult siis, kui on märgitud valik Kuupäev paneelil Jada tüüp.


Use the Date series type and this option to create a series using all seven days of the week. Unit of Increment is day.


Use the Date series type and this option to create a series only using the five weekdays. Unit of Increment is day.


Use the Date series type and this option to form a series which unit of Increment is month.


Use the Date series type and this option to create a series which unit of Increment is year.


Determines the start value for the series. Use numbers, dates or times.


Determines the end value for the series. Use numbers, dates or times.


The term "increment" denotes the amount by which a given value increases. Determines the value by which the series of the selected type increases by each step. Entries can only be made if the linear, growth or date series types have been selected.

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