Función CreateUnoValue

Devuelve un objeto que representa un valor de tipo estricto y que se refiere al sistema de tipos Uno.

Este objeto se convierte automáticamente al tipo Any del sistema correspondiente cuando se pasa a Uno. El tipo debe estar especificado por su nombre de tipo Uno calificado.

Icono de nota

La API de LibreOffice usa con frecuencia el tipo Any. Es el equivalente del tipo Variante utilizado en otros entornos. El tipo Any contiene un tipo Uno arbitrario y se utiliza en interfaces Uno genéricas.


oUnoValue = CreateUnoValue( "[]byte", MyBasicValue ) ' para obtener una secuencia de bytes.

If CreateUnoValue cannot be converted to the specified Uno type, and error occurs. For the conversion, the TypeConverter service is used.

This function is intended for use in situations where the default Basic to Uno type converting mechanism is insufficient. This can happen when you try to access generic Any based interfaces, such as XPropertySet::setPropertyValue( Name, Value ) or X???Container::insertBy???( ???, Value ), from LibreOffice Basic. The Basic runtime does not recognize these types as they are only defined in the corresponding service.

In this type of situation, LibreOffice Basic chooses the best matching type for the Basic type that you want to convert. However, if the wrong type is selected, an error occurs. You use the CreateUnoValue() function to create a value for the unknown Uno type.

You can also use this function to pass non-Any values, but this is not recommend. If Basic already knows the target type, using the CreateUnoValue() function will only lead to additional converting operations that slow down the Basic execution.

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