Selecció d'un color nou

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Choose Format - Area - Area, press the Color button and click the Pick button.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.

La finestra de selecció de color

The Pick a Color Dialog window consist of four main areas.

Click in the big color area on the left to select a new color. Using this selector area you can modify two components of the color as represented in the RGB or HSB color models. Note that these are the two components not selected with the radio buttons on the right side of the dialog.

Al costat dret de la barra inferior podeu veure el color original de la pestanya Colors.

Al costat esquerre de la barra inferior apareix el resultat actual de la vostra elecció.

Icona de nota

El LibreOffice utilitza només el model de color RGB per a imprimir en color. Els controls CMYK es proporcionen només per facilitar la introducció de valors de color en notació CMYK.



Sets the Red component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Green and Blue components in the two dimensional color picker field. Allowed values are 0 to 255.


Sets the Green component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Red and Blue components in the two dimensional color picker field. Allowed values are 0 to 255.


Sets the Blue component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Green and Red components in the two dimensional color picker field. Allowed values are 0 to 255.

Hex #

Visualitza i defineix el valor del color en el model de colors RGB expressat com a nombre hexadecimal.



Sets the Hue component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Saturation and Brightness components in the two dimensional color picker field. Values are expressed in degrees from 0 to 359.


Sets the Saturation component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Hue and Brightness components in the two dimensional color picker field. Values are expressed in percent ( 0 to 100).


Sets the Brightness component modifiable on the vertical color slider, and the Hue and Saturation components in the two dimensional color picker field. Values are expressed in percent ( 0 to 100).



Definiu el valor del cian expressat segons el model de color CMYK.


Definiu el valor del magenta expressat segons el model de color CMYK.


Definiu el valor del groc expressat segons el model de color CMYK.


Definiu el valor del negre (clau) expressat segons el model de color CMYK.

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!