Barres d'eines

Lets you customize LibreOffice toolbars.

Per accedir a esta orde...

Trieu la pestanya Eines ▸ Personalitza ▸ Barres d'eines


Enter a string in the text box to narrow the search of commands.


Select the command category in the drop-down list to restrict the search of commands or scroll the list below. Macros and styles commands are in the bottom of the list.


Displays the results of the combination of the search string and category of the desired function.


The text box contains a short description of the selected command.


Select the location where the toolbar is to be attached. If attached to a LibreOffice module, the toolbar is available for all files opened in that module. If attached to the file, the toolbar will be available only when that file is opened and active.


Select the toolbar where the customization is to be applied. The current set of functions is displayed in the box below.


Click on the gear icon and then choose Add to add a new toolbar.


Click on the gear icon and then choose Delete to delete the toolbar.

Icona de nota

You can only delete custom toolbar and custom toolbar entries.

Right Arrow button

Feu clic al botó de la fletxa dreta per a seleccionar una funció de la caixa de visualització i copiar-la a la caixa de visualització de la dreta. La funció s'afegirà a la barra d'eines seleccionada.

Left Arrow button

Feu clic al botó de la fletxa esquerra per a suprimir l'ordre seleccionada de la barra d'eines actual.

Up and Down Arrow buttons

Click on the Up or Down arrows on the right to move the selected command upward or downward in the list of displayed toolbar commands.

Icona de consell

Podeu arrossegar i deixar anar l'ordre seleccionada per a desplaçar-la fins a la posició que vulgueu.


Insereix un separador: afig una marca separadora per a millorar la llegibilitat de la barra d'eines i per a agrupar les ordres per tema.


Valors per defecte

Deletes all changes previously made to this toolbar.

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!