Funció MIRR [VBA]

Calcula el tipus intern de rendibilitat modificat d'una sèrie d'inversions.


Aquesta funció o constant s'activa amb l'expressió Option VBASupport 1 plaçada en un mòdul abans del codi executable.


MIRR(Values() as Double, Investment as Double, ReinvestRate as Double)

Valor de retorn:


Paràmetres :

Values(): An array of cash flows, representing a series of payments and income, where negative values are treated as payments and positive values are treated as income. This array must contain at least one negative and at least one positive value.

Investment: is the rate of interest of the investments (the negative values of the array).

ReinvestRate: the rate of interest of the reinvestment (the positive values of the array).

Codis d'error

5 La crida al procediment no és vàlida

Exemple :

REM ***** BASIC *****
Option VBASupport 1
Sub ExampleMIRR
 Dim cashFlow(0 to 3) As Double
 cashFlow(0) = -5
 cashFlow(1) = 10
 cashFlow(2) = 15
 cashFlow(3) = 8
 mirrValue = MIRR(cashFlow,0.5,0.1) * 100
 Print mirrValue ' returns 94.16. The modified internal rate of return of the cash flow.
End Sub

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