Umetanje brojeva stranica na Podnožja

You can easily insert a page number field in the footer of your document. You can also add a page count to the footer, for example, in the form "Page 9 of 12"

To Insert a Page Number

  1. Choose Insert - Header and Footer - Footer and select the page style that you want to add the footer to.

  2. Izaberite Unesite - Polja - Broj Stranice.

Ako želite, možete poravnati polje Broj Stranice kao što bi tekst.

To Additionally Add a Page Count

  1. Kliknite ispred polja Page Number i tip "Stranica", kliknite nakon polje unesite razmak, a zatim upišite "od".

  2. Izaberite Unesite - Polja - Odbrojavanje Stranica.

About Headers and Footers

Izmjenicni Stilovi Stranica na neparne i parne stranice

Creating a Page Style Based on the Current Page

Inserting a Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a Footer

Formatting Headers or Footers

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