Slide Show Settings

Defines settings for your slide show, including which slide to start from, the way you advance the slides, the type of presentation, and pointer options.

To access this command...

Choose Slide Show - Slide Show Settings


Oznacava koje sladove da ukljuci u prezentaciju.

Svi slajdovi

Ukljucuje sve slajdove u vasem slajd sou.


Enter the number of the start slide.

Koristenje Custom Slide Show

Runs a custom slide show in the order that you defined in Slide Show - Custom Slide Show.

Presentation Mode

Izaberite tip slajd soua.

Full screen

A full screen slide is shown.

In a window

Slide show runs in the LibreOffice program window.

Loop and repeat after

Restartuje slajd sou nakon pauze kojui ste naveli. Pauya saljd je prikazan izmedju finalnog i pocetnog slajda. Pritisnite Esc tipku za kraj.

Trajanje pauze

Unesite trajanje pauze prije ponavljanja slajda. Ako uneste nulu, sou se automatsi ponavlja bez prikazivanja pauya slajda.

Prikaz loga

Prokazuje LibreOffice llogo na pauznom slajdu. The logo cannot be exchanged.


Promjena slajdova manuelno

Kada je ovo oznaceno slajdovi se nikad ne mjanjaju automatski.

Pointer misa vidljiv

Pokazuje pointer misa tjerkom preyentacije.

Pokazivač miša kao olovka

Promjene pokazivač miša na olovku koju možete koristiti za crtanje na slajdovima tijekom prezentacije.

Note Icon

Anything you write with the pen will appear in your slides after exiting the slideshow. The properties of the pen can be changed by choosing the Pen Width or Change pen Color command in the context menu of the running slide show.

Dopustene animacije

Runs animations during the slide show. If this option is not selected, only the first frame of an animation is displayed.

Mjenjanje slajdova klikanjem na pozadinu

Advances to the next slide when you click on the background of a slide.

Presentation always on top

The LibreOffice window remains on top during the presentation. No other program will show its window in front of your presentation.

Multiple Displays

By default the primary display is used for slide show mode. If the current desktop is displayed on more than one display, you can select which display to use for full screen slide show mode. If the current desktop spans only one display, or if the multi display feature is not supported on the current system, you cannot select another display.

Presentation display

Select a display to use for full screen slide show mode.

If the system allows the user to span a window over all available displays, you can also select "All displays". In this case the presentation is spanned over all available displays.

Note Icon

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