Undoing Direct Formatting for a Document

You can undo all formatting that has not been made by styles in a few steps.

Direct and Style Formatting

If you format a document without Styles, it is referred to as "direct" formatting. This means modifying text or other objects, such as frames or tables, by applying various attributes directly. The format applies only to the selected area and all changes must be made separately. Styles, on the other hand, are not applied to the text directly, but rather are defined in the Styles window and then applied. One advantage is that when you change a Style, all parts of the document to which that Style is assigned are modified at the same time.

Da biste otvorili više od jednog dokumenta u isto vrijeme, svaki u zasebnom prozoru, držite dok klikate na datoteke, a zatim Otvori.

Removing all Direct Formatting in a LibreOffice Writer Document

  1. Press Ctrl+A to select the whole text.

  2. Choose Format - Stilovi i formatiranje.

Removing all Direct Formatting in a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet

  1. While pressing the Shift key click the first and then the last sheet tab to select all sheets.

  2. Press Ctrl+A to select the whole text.

  3. Choose Format - Stilovi i formatiranje.

Removing all Direct Formatting in a LibreOffice Presentation

  1. Click the Outline tab to open outline view.

  2. Press Ctrl+A to select the whole text.

  3. Choose Format - Stilovi i formatiranje.

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