Adding a Command Button to a Document

You can use the Form Controls toolbar to add checkboxes, buttons, tables showing data records, and other controls to a document.

Da biste dodali dugme za dokumenta

  1. Izaberi View - Toolbars - Form Controls.

  2. On the Form Controls toolbar, click the Push Button icon.

    pokazivač miša mijenja u križić.

  3. In the document, drag to draw the button.

  4. Desnom tipkom miša kliknite dugme i odaberiteControl.

  5. Navedite svojstva dugmeta.

  6. To change the button label, click the General tab, and edit the text in the Label box.

  7. To attach a macro to the button, click the Events tab, and click the ... button beside the button action that you want to run the macro. In the Assign Macro dialog, locate the macro that you want to use, and then click OK.

  8. Close the Properties dialog.

  9. (Optional) Specify the properties of the form that the button belongs to.

  10. Desnom tipkom miša kliknite dugme i odaberite Form.

  11. The Form Properties dialog opens.

  12. Specify the properties for the form and then close the dialog.

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