
This command opens the Relation Design window, which allows you to define relationships between various database tables.

Here you can link together tables from the current database through common data fields. Click the New Relation icon to create the relationships, or simply drag-and-drop with the mouse.

To access this command...

In a database file window, choose Tools - Relationships.

Note Icon

Ova je funkcija dostupna samo ako radite sa relacijskim bazama podataka.

When you choose Tools - Relationships, a window opens in which all the existing relationships between the tables of the current database are shown. If no relationships have been defined, or if you want to relate other tables of the database to each other, then click on the Add Tables icon. The Add Tables dialog opens in which you can select the tables with which to create a relation.

Add Table Icon

Ubaci tabelu

Note Icon

Ako jeRelation Design prozor je otvoren, odabrane tablice se ne mogu mijenjati, čak ni u režimu za dizajn tabela. To osigurava da se tabele neće promijeniti kada se stvaraju veze.

The selected tables are shown in the top area of the relation design view. You can close a table window through the context menu or with the Delete key.

Move table and modify table size

You can resize and arrange the tables according to your preferences. To move tables, drag the upper border to the desired position. Enlarge or reduce the size in which the table is displayed by positioning the mouse cursor on a border or on a corner and dragging the table until it is the desired size.

Primary key and foreign keys

If you want to define a relation among the various tables, you should enter a primary key that uniquely identifies a data field of an existing table. You can refer to the primary key from other tables to access the data of this table. All data fields referring to this primary key will be identified as a foreign key.

Svi podaci koje se odnose na polja primarnog ključa će biti identificirani u prozoru tablice sa malim simbolom ključa.

Definisati veze

All existing relations are shown in the relations windows by a line that connects the primary and foreign key fields. You can add a relation by using drag-and-drop to drop the field of one table onto the field of the other table. A relation is removed again by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.

Alternativno, možete kliknuti New Relationikonu u gornjem području polja odnosa i definirati odnos između dvije tablice u Relations prozoru dijaloga.

New Relation Icon

Nova relacija

Warning Icon

If you use LibreOffice as the front-end for a relational database, the creation and deletion of relationships is not placed in an intermediate memory by LibreOffice, but is forwarded directly to the database.

Dvostrukim klikom veze liniju, možete dodijeliti određena svojstva i na odnos. Odnose otvara se okvir za dijalog.

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