
Define the light source for the selected 3D object.

To access this command...

Open the context menu of the 3D object, choose 3D Effects - Illumination tab.


Određuje svjetlosni izvor za objekat, kao i boju svjetlosnog izvora i od ambijentalnog svjetla. Možete definisati do 8 različitih izvora.

Svjetlosni izvor

Click twice to turn the light source on, and then select a color for the light from the list. If you want, you can also set the color of the surrounding light, by selecting a color from the Ambient light box. You can also press the Spacebar to turn the light source on or off.


Svjetlo je upaljeno


Svjetlo je ugaŔeno

Biranje boje

Select a color for the current light source.

Izaberite boju u dijalogu za boju

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.

Ambijentalno svjetlo

Biranje boje

Select a color for the ambient light.

Izaberite boju u dijalogu za boju

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.


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