Traženje sličnosti

Find terms that are similar to the Find text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Similarities button to define the similarity options.

For example, a similarity search can find words that differ from the Find text by two characters.

To access this command...

Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search check box, then click the Similarities button.

On the Table Data bar, click Find icon, then Similarity search check box,
then click the Similarities button (database table view).

On the Form Design bar, click Record Search icon, then Similarity search check box,
then click the Similarities button (form view).


Postavite opcije za traženje sličnosti.


Definišite kriterij za utvrđivanje da li je riječ slična traženom terminu.

Zamijeni znakove

Enter the number of characters in the search term that can be exchanged. For example, if you specify 2 exchanged characters, "sweep" and "creep" are considered similar.

Dodaj znakove

Unesite maksimalni broj znakova po kojima riječ može preći broj znakova u traženoj riječi.

Ukloni znakove

Unesite broj znakova po kojima riječ može biti kraća od tražene riječi.


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