Control and Dialogue Box Properties

Specifies the properties of the selected dialogue box or control. You must be in the design mode to be able to use this command.

Unesi podatke u setovanje dijaloga

Slijedeca kombinacija kljuceva odnosi se na podatke u mnogim poljima ili kombo prozorima Osobine dialogue box:



Alt+Strelica dolje

Otvara kombo prozor

Alt+Strelica gore

Zatvara combo prozor


Inserts a line break in multiline fields.


Goes to the previous line.


Goes to the next line.


Applies the changes made to a field and places the cursor into the next field.


Define the properties for the selected control or dialogue box. The available properties depend on the type of control selected. The following properties therefore are not available for every type of control.


Define event assignments for the selected control or dialogue box. The available events depend on the type of control selected.

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