
Saves the current document with a different name and format to a location that you specify.

To access this command...

Choose File - Export.

The following sections describe the LibreOffice Export dialog box. To activate the LibreOffice Open and Save dialog boxes, choose - LibreOffice - General, and then select the Use LibreOffice dialogs in the Open/Save dialogs area.

Up One Level

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/01070000.xhp#levelup not found).

Create New Directory

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/01070000.xhp#createdir not found).

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/01070000.xhp#places not found).

සංදර්ශණය කිරීමේ මග පෙන්වීම්

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/01070000.xhp#fileview not found).

ගොනු නාමය:

Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a URL

File Type

Select the file format for the document that you are saving. In the display area, only the documents with this file type are displayed. File types are described in Information on Import and Export Filters.

නිර්යාත කරනවා

Saves the file.

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