Мастер писем - Элементы для печати

Defines the items to be included in the letter template.

Доступ к этой команде

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items.


Includes a logo on the letter template.

Обратный адрес на конверте

Includes a small size return address on the letter template.

Подпись в письме

Includes a line with references to a business letter on the letter template.

Строка темы

Includes a subject line on the letter template.


Includes a salutation on the letter template. Select the salutation from the list box.

Указатели сгиба

Includes fold marks on the letter template.

Заключительное приветствие

Includes a complimentary close on the letter template. Select the text from the list box.

Нижний колонтитул

Includes a footer on the letter template.

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