Returns the number of workdays between a start date and an end date. Holidays can be deducted.


NETWORKDAYS(StartDate; EndDate; Holidays; Workdays)

StartDate is the date from when the calculation is carried out. If the start date is a workday, the day is included in the calculation.

EndDate is the date up until when the calculation is carried out. If the end date is a workday, the day is included in the calculation.

Holidays is an optional list of holidays. These are non-working days. Enter a cell range in which the holidays are listed individually.

Workdays is an optional list of number values defining standard work week. This list starts by Sunday, workdays are indicated by zero and non-working days by non-zero value.

Значок примечания

При вводе дат как части формул, косые черты или тире, используемые в качестве разделителей дат, интерпретируются как арифметические операторы. Поэтому даты, введенные в этом формате, не распознаются как даты и приводят к ошибочным вычислениям. Чтобы даты не интерпретировались как части формул, используйте функцию DATE, например DATE (1954;7;20) или поместите дату в кавычки и используйте нотацию ISO 8601, например "1954-07-20". Избегайте использования форматов даты, зависящих от локальных настроек, таких как "07/20/54", расчёт может привести к ошибкам, если документ загружен в соответствии с иными локальными настройками.

Значок подсказки

Unambiguous conversion is possible for ISO 8601 dates and times in their extended formats with separators. If a #VALUE! error occurs, then unselect Generate #VALUE! error in - LibreOffice Calc - Formula, button Details... in section "Detailed Calculation Settings", Conversion from text to number list box.


How many workdays fall between 2001-12-15 and 2002-01-15? The start date is located in C3 and the end date in D3. Cells F3 to J3 contain the following Christmas and New Year holidays: "2001-12-24", "2001-12-25", "2001-12-26", "2001-12-31", "2002-01-01".

=NETWORKDAYS(C3;D3;F3:J3) returns 17 workdays.

How many workdays fall between September 12nd and 25th in 2016 if only Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are considered as workdays?

=NETWORKDAYS(DATE(2016;9;12); DATE(2016;9;25); ; {1;0;0;0;1;1;1}) returns 6 workdays.

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