Atskaites vednis - Izveidot atskaiti

You can create the report as a static or dynamic report. When you open a dynamic report, it will display with the current data contents. When you open a static report, it will always display the same data from the time when the static report was created.

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Klikšķiniet Lietot vedni, lai izveidotu atskaiti datubāzes datnes logā.

Atskaites virsraksts

Specifies the title that is printed at the title line of each page.

Statiska atskaite

Saves the report as a static report. When you open a static report, it will always display the data from the time the report was created.

Dinamiska atskaite

Saves the report as a template. When you open a dynamic report, it will display with the current data contents.

Modificēt atskaites izkārtojumu

When you click Finish, the report will be saved and opened for edit.

Veidot atskaiti tūlīt

When you click Finish, the report will be saved.

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