Instrukcijas LibreOffice Draw lietošanai

On the help page for LibreOffice general you can find instructions that are applicable to all modules, such as working with windows and menus, customizing LibreOffice, data sources, Gallery, and drag and drop.

If you want help with another module, switch to the help for that module with the combo box in the navigation area.

Editing and Grouping Objects

Arranging, Aligning and Distributing Objects

Cross-Fading Two Objects

Drawing Sectors and Segments

Duplicating Objects

Grouping Objects

Combining Objects and Constructing Shapes

Connecting Lines

Assembling 3D Objects

Rotating Objects

Editing Colors and Textures

Defining Custom Colors

Replacing Colors

Creating Gradient Fills

Teksta rediģēšana

Adding Text

Fontwork For Graphical Text Art

Darbs ar slāņiem

Changing and Adding a Master Slide

Changing the Slide Background Fill

Par slāņiem

Slāņu ievietošana

Moving Objects to a Different Layer

Darbs ar slāņiem

Objektu pārvietošana


Shortcut Keys for Drawing Objects

Inserting Pictures

Bitkaršu ievietošana, rediģēšana, saglabāšana

Grafikas kopēšana no galerijas

Inserting Objects From the Gallery

Līnijas stilu pielietošana, lietojot rīkjoslu

Līniju beigu definēšana

Līniju stilu definēšana

Using Gluepoints

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