
This section provides an overview of the toolbars available in LibreOffice Writer. This overview describes the default toolbar configuration for LibreOffice.

Standard Bar

The Standard bar is available in every LibreOffice application.

Formatting Bar

The Formatting bar contains several text formatting functions.

Drawing Bar

The Drawing bar contains frequently used editing tools. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contains additional commands.


The Image Bar contains functions for formatting and positioning selected bitmap graphics.

Frame Bar

When a frame is selected, the Frame Bar provides the most important functions for formatting and positioning the frame.

OLE-Object Bar

The OLE-Object bar appears when objects are selected, and contains the most important functions for formatting and positioning objects.

Table Bar

The Table Bar contains functions you need when working with tables. It appears when you move the cursor into a table.

Drawing Object Properties Bar

You can see the Drawing Object Properties bar in Writer and Calc. Select the menu View - Toolbars - Drawing Object Properties. The controls are enabled when a drawing object is selected. You see some different icons by default, whether the current document is a text document or a spreadsheet.

Bullets and Numbering Bar

The Bullets and Numbering bar contains functions to modify the structure of numbered paragraphs, including changing the order of paragraphs and defining different paragraph levels.

Text Object Bar

Contains formatting commands for text that is contained in a draw object. The Text Object bar appears when you double-click inside a draw object.


The Status Bar contains information about the current document and offers various buttons with special functions.

Print Preview

The Print Preview Bar appears when you view the current document in the print preview mode.

Table Data Bar

Use the Table Data bar to control the data view.


Rulers display the dimensions of the page, and the position of tabs, indents, borders and columns. You can modify all of these on the rulers using the mouse.

Formula Bar

The Formula Bar allows you to create and insert calculations into a text document. To activate the Formula Bar, press F2.


The toolbar contains various functions for inserting frames, graphics, tables, and other objects.

Classification Bar

The Classification bar contains tools to help secure document handling.

The Classification toolbar contains listboxes to help in selecting the security of the document, according to the BAF category policy and BAILS levels. LibreOffice will add custom fields in the document properties (File - Properties, Custom Properties tab) to store the classification policy as document metadata.

Go to menu View - Toolbars and select Classification

Mail Merge Toolbar

The Mail Merge Toolbar contains commands for the final steps of the mail merge process.

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