Editar hiperligazóns

When you -click a hyperlink in a Writer document, your web browser opens with the requested web address. If you don't use a mouse, position the cursor inside the hyperlink and open the context menu by Shift+F10, then choose Open Hyperlink.

Como modificar o texto das hiperligazóns

If you leave the hyperlink by positioning the cursor somewhere else, only the visible text will be changed.

If you leave the hyperlink by entering a space character directly following the last character, the AutoCorrect - if enabled - will change the target URL to be the same as the visible text.

Como modificar o URL dunha hiperligazón

Cambiar os atributos de todas as hiperligazóns

  1. Open the Styles window.

  2. Prema a icona Estilos de carácter.

  3. Prema co botón dereito do rato no estilo de carácter "Ligazón da internet" ou "Ligazón visitada" e escolla Modificar.

  4. Na caixa de diálogo, seleccione os novos atributos e prema Aceptar.

Editar botóns de hiperligazón

If the hyperlink is a button, click on the border to select it, or press the key while clicking. Open the Properties dialog through the context menu. You can edit the label text under "Caption," and modify the address in the "URL" field.

Ligazóns relativas e absolutas

Precisamos da súa axuda!