Opening and saving files on remote servers

Guía do usuario do servizo de ficheiros remotos

LibreOffice pode abrir e gardar ficheiros almacenados en servidores remotos. Manter ficheiros en servidores remotos permite traballar cos documentos empregando computadores diferentes. Pódese, por exemplo, traballar nun documento na oficina durante o día e editalo na casa para cambios de última hora. Gardar ficheiros nun servidor remoto tamén os protexe de perdas de computadores ou fallos de disco duro. Algúns servidores poden tamén revisar a entrada e saída de ficheiros, controlando así o seu uso e acceso.

LibreOffice admite moitos servidores de documentos que empregan protocolos de rede coñecidos, como FTP, WebDAV, compartición de Windows e SSH. Tamén admite servizos populares, como Google Drive, así como servidores comerciais e de código aberto que seguen o estándar CMIS de OASIS.

To work with a remote file service you must first setup a remote file connection.

To open a file in a remote file service

  1. Adopte un dos procedementos seguintes:

  1. Select the file and click Open or press Enter.

The Remote Files dialog which then appears has many parts. The upper list box contains the list of remote servers you have previously defined. The line below the list box shows the path to access the folder. On the left is the folder structure of the user space in the server. The main pane displays the files in the remote folder.

Checking out and checking in files

The Check Out and Check In actions control updates to the document and prevent unwanted overwrites in a CMIS remote service.

Checking out a document locks it, preventing other users from writing changes to it. Only one user can have a particular document checked out (locked) at any time. Checking in a document or canceling the checkout unlocks the document.

Icona Nota

There are no checkin/checkout controls for remote files in Windows Shares, WebDAV, FTP and SSH services.

When a file is open from a CMIS remote file service, LibreOffice displays a Check Out button on the top message area. Click the Check Out button to lock the file in the server to prevent edition by another user. Alternatively choose File - Check Out.

LibreOffice crea unha copia de traballo do ficheiro no servidor (e insire a cadea (Copia de traballo) no nome do ficheiro) ao deixar saír un ficheiro. Cada edición e operación de gardado son feitas sobre a copia de traballo. Pode gardar o seu ficheiro tantas veces como queira. Ao rematar os cambios, envíe o ficheiro.

To check in the file, choose File - Check In. A dialog opens to insert comments about the last edition. These comments are recorded in the CMIS server for version control. The working copy replaces the existing file and its version number is updated.

To cancel a checkout, choose File - Cancel Checkout. A warning message will inform that the latest edition will be discarded. If confirmed, no version updates occurs.

Icona Aviso

Remember to check in the file when finishing using it. Not doing so will lock the file and no other user will be allowed to modify it.

To save a file in a remote file server

  1. Adopte un dos procedementos seguintes

  1. In the Filter list box, select the desired format.

  2. Introduza un nome na caixa Nome de ficheiro e prema en Gardar.

  3. When you finish working with the file, check it in. To do so, choose File - Check In.

Properties of files stored in CMIS servers

Files stored in CMIS server have properties and metadata not available in a local storage. These metadata are important for controls and debugging of the CMIS connection and server implementation. All parameters displayed are read-only.

Choose File - Properties, CMIS tab.

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