
This General tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control.

Para acceder a esta orde...

Abra o menú de contexto dun elemento seleccionado do formulario - escolla a lapela Control - Xeral.

Abra as barras de ferramentas Controis de formulario ou Deseño de formulario, prema na icona Control - lapela Xeral.

Icona Nota

If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes).


You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons.

The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:




Non hai ningún tipo de acción.

Enviar formulario

Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in Form Properties under URL.

Ao exportar a PDF introduza o URL na caixa de texto "URL" dos datos do formulario.

Restaurar formulario

Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value.

Abrir documento / páxina web

Opens the URL that is specified under URL. You can use Frame to specify the target frame.

Primeiro rexistro

Move o formulario actual ao primeiro rexistro.

Rexistro anterior

Move o formulario actual ao rexistro anterior.

Rexistro seguinte

Move o formulario actual ao seguinte rexistro.

Último rexistro

Move o formulario actual ao último rexistro.

Gardar rexistro

Garda o rexistro actual, se é necesario.

Desfacer entrada de datos

Inverte os cambios realizados no rexistro actual.

Novo rexistro

Move o formulario actual á liña de inserción.

Eliminar rexistro

Elimina o rexistro actual.

Actualizar formulario

Recarga a versión do formulario gardada máis recentemente.


Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation bar control. Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh.


If a control field has the property "Enabled" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field. If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color.

Aliñamento / Aliñamento de imaxes

O aliñamento pode ser á esquerda, á dereita e centrado. Estas opcións están dispoñíbeis para os seguintes elementos:

  1. Title of Label fields,

  2. Content of text fields,

  3. Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,

  4. Graphics or text that are used in buttons.

    Icona Nota

    A opción Aliñamento para os botóns chámase Aliñamento de imaxes.


Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to "Yes", you can switch between the "selected" and "not selected" control states when you click the button or press the Spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the "selected" state appears "pressed in".


Define a altura do control.

Altura de fila

In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm.

Antepor símbolo

Determina se o símbolo monetario debe mostrarse antes ou despois do número nos campos monetarios. A anteposición dos símbolos monetarios non é a opción predefinida.

As liñas de texto acaban con

Nos campos de texto seleccione o código de fin de liña que se vai utilizar ao escribir un texto nunha columna de base de datos.


Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events. A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms.

Aumentar/Reducir valor

Determines intervals to add or subtract with each activation of the spin button control.

Barra de desprazamento

Engade á caixa de texto o tipo de barra de desprazamento especificada.

Barra de navegación

Specifies whether to display the Navigation bar on the lower border of table controls.


With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the "Border" property. You can select among the "Without frame", "3-D look" or "Flat" options.

Botón predefinido

The "Default button" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button.

Icona Nota

Esta propiedade debe atribuírse a un único botón do documento.

When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search.

Botón xiratorio

Os campos numéricos, monetarios e de data e hora poden introducirse no formulario como botóns xiratorios.

Campo de etiqueta

Especifica o tipo de letra da etiqueta do control. Úsase o texto do campo de etiqueta en vez do nome do campo de base de datos; por exemplo, no Navegador de filtros, na caixa de diálogo Buscar e como nome de columna na visualización de táboa.

To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label.

Nos botóns de opción só se pode utilizar como campo de etiqueta o texto dun marco de grupo. Ese texto aplícase a todos os botóns de opción do mesmo grupo.

Se preme no botón ..., situado ao lado do campo de texto, verá a caixa de diálogo Selección de campo de etiqueta. Seleccione unha etiqueta da lista.

Check the No assignment box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.

Caracteres para contrasinal

If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under Password character, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255.

Icona Suxestión

The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the Special Characters dialog (Insert - Special Character).

Conta de liñas

For combo boxes with the "Dropdown" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size.

Cor de bordo

Specifies the border color for controls that have the "Border" property set to "flat".

Cor de fondo

A maioría dos campos de control dispoñen de cores de fondo. Se preme en Cor de fondo, ábrese unha lista que lle permite seleccionar entre varias cores. A opción "Estándar" adopta a configuración do sistema. Se a cor desexada non se encontra na lista, prema no botón ... para definir unha cor na caixa de diálogo Cor.

Cor de símbolo

Especifica a cor dos símbolos dos controis, por exemplo, as frechas dunha barra de desprazamento.

Data máx.

Determina unha data que non pode ser excedida por ningún valor introducido polo usuario.

Data mín.

Determina a data máis temperá que o usuario pode introducir.

Data predefinida

Estabelece a data predefinida.


Nos campos monetarios e numéricos pode determinar o número de díxitos mostrados á dereita do punto decimal.

Desprazamento da roda do rato

Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.

Desprazamento máximo

Especifica o valor que se debe sumar ou subtraer cando o usuario preme na frecha da barra de desprazamento.

Desprazamento mínimo

Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the Arrow icon on the scrollbar.


A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under Line count, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property.

As caixas de combinación inseridas como columnas nun control de táboa son despregábeis por defecto.

Encher automaticamente

The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry.

Enfocar ao premer

If you set this option to "Yes", the Push button receives the focus when you click the button.

Entradas de lista

Please note the tips referring to the keyboard controls.

A entrada de lista predefinida introdúcese na caixa de combinación Selección predefinida.

Icona Nota

Lembre que as entradas da lista introducidas aquí só se incorporan ao formulario se seleccionou a opción "Lista de valores" situada na lapela Datos, en Tipo de contido da lista.

If you do not want the list entries to be written to the database or transmitted to the recipient of the Web form, but rather assigned values that are not visible in the form, you can assign the list entries to other values in a value list. The value list is determined on the Data tab. Under Type of List Contents, select the option "Value List". Then enter the values under List Contents that are to be assigned to the corresponding visible list entries of the form. For the correct assignment, the order in the value list is relevant.

Icona Nota

Nos documentos HTML, unha entrada de lista introducida na lapela Xeral correspóndese coa etiqueta HTML <OPTION>; unha entrada da lista de valores introducida na lapela Datos, en Contido da lista, correspóndese coa etiqueta <OPTION VALUE=...>.


Redimensiona a imaxe para adecuala ao tamaño do control..

Estado predefinido

Especifica se unha opción ou caixa de verificación está marcada de forma predefinida.

For a reset type button, you can define the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user.

For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the "Default Status" property.

Estado triplo

Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values. This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO.

Icona Nota

The "Tristate" property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms.


Specifies whether Check boxes and Option buttons are displayed in a 3D look (default) or a flat look.


The "Label" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms.

When you create a new control, the description predefined in the "Name" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the "Title" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user.

To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the Arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift++Enter.

Icona Nota

The "Title" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the "Name" property.


Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation bar control. Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort.


Especifica o código de formato do control. Prema no botón ... para seleccionar o código do formato.

Formato da hora

Pode definir o formato desexado para a visualización da hora.

Formato de data

With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout.

Icona Nota

All format fields (date, time, currency, numeric) are formatted automatically in the selected format as soon as you leave them regardless of how you entered the input.

Formato estrito

You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted. For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored.

Hora máx.

Determina unha hora que ningún valor introducido polo usuario pode exceder.

Hora mín.

Determina a hora mínima que pode introducir un usuario.

Hora predefinida

Estabelece a hora predefinida.


An image button has a "Graphics" property. The "Graphics" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button. If you select the graphic file with the ... button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box.


Especifica se se desexa mostrar o campo de control na impresión do documento.

Intervalo de valores

You can preset the value intervals for numerical and currency spin buttons. Use the up and down arrows of the spin button to increase or decrease the value.


Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the LibreOffice module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm.


Define a largura do control.

Lonxitude máx. do texto

Define o número máximo de caracteres que o usuario pode introducir nas caixas de combinación e de texto. Se esta propiedade de campo de control non está definida, a configuración predefinida será cero.

If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined ("Not Defined" state).

Marcador de rexistros

Especifica se a primeira columna se debe mostrar ou non con etiquetas de filas en que o rexistro actual se marque cunha frecha.


You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the "Open document or web page" action.

Se preme no campo pode seleccionar unha opción da lista que especifique o marco en que se debe cargar o seguinte documento. Dispón das seguintes posibilidades:




O seguinte documento crearase nun novo marco baleiro.


O seguinte documento crearase nun marco superior. Se non existe, créase no mesmo marco.


O seguinte documento crearase no mesmo marco.


O seguinte documento crearase nunha xanela de nivel superior, ou sexa, no marco máis alto da xerarquía. Se o marco actual xa é unha xanela superior, o documento créase nel.

Icona Nota

The "Frame" property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms.

Máscara de caracteres

With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field.

Icona Nota

O tamaño da máscara de caracteres correspóndese co tamaño da máscara de edición. Se non é o caso, a máscara de edición córtase ou énchese con espazos en branco ata atinxir o tamaño da máscara de edición.

Máscara de edición

Ao especificar un código de carácter en campos de patrón pódese determinar o que pode introducir o usuario neses campos.

A lonxitude da máscara de edición determina o número de posicións de entrada posíbeis. Se o usuario introduce caracteres que non corresponden á máscara de edición, a entrada rexéitase ao saír do campo. Para definir a máscara de edición pode introducir os seguintes caracteres:




A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask.


The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters.


The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter.


The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters.


The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter.


Só se poden introducir os caracteres entre 0 e 9.


Pódense introducir todos os caracteres imprimíbeis.


All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter.

Defina a máscara de edición "NNLNNLLLLL" para que o usuario só poida introducir catro díxitos ao introducir unha data, por exemplo, para a máscara de caracteres "__.__.2000".


Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation bar control. Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record.


Each control field and each form has a "Name" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the Form Navigator and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number.

Icona Nota

Se traballa con macros, verifique que os nomes dos controis son exclusivos.

The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a Group Box.

Ocultar selección

Specifies whether a text selection on a control remains selected when the focus is no longer on a control. If you set Hide selection to "No", the selected text remains selected when the focus is no longer on the control that contains the text.

Orde de tabulación

The "Tab order" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key. In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under "Tab order".

Icona Nota

The "Tab order" property is not available to Hidden Controls. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key.

When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused ("Tabstop = No") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key.

Tamén pode definir os índices dos diferentes controis na caixa de diálogo Orde de tabulación.


Specifies the horizontal or vertical orientation for a scrollbar or spin button.


Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation bar control. Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count.


Define a posición en X do control en relación á áncora.


Define a posición en Y do control en relación á áncora.

Quebra de palabra

Displays text on more than one line. Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press Enter.


Especifica se se repite a acción dun control, como un botón xiratorio, ao premer no control e manter premido o botón do rato.

Selección múltipla

Permítelle seleccionar máis dun elemento dunha caixa de lista.

Selección predefinida

Especifica a entrada da caixa de lista que debe marcarse como predefinida.

For a Reset type button, the Default selection entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user.

For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the ... button to open the Default selection dialog.

Na caixa de diálogo Selección predefinida, indique as entradas que desexa marcar como seleccionadas ao abrir o formulario que contén a caixa de lista.

Separador de millares

Nos campos monetarios e numéricos pode determinar se deben usarse os separadores de millares.

Símbolo monetario

In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the "Currency symbol" property.

Só de lectura

The "Read-only" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database.


The "Tabstop" property determines if a control field can be selected with the Tab key. The following options are available:


Durante o uso da tecla Tabulación, o foco ignora o control.


O control pode seleccionarse coa tecla Tabulación.

Tamaño da icona

Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation bar should be small or large.

Tamaño visíbel

Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in "value units". A value of ("Scroll value max." minus "Scroll value min." ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.

If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height.

Texto de axuda

Ofrece a opción de introducir un texto de axuda que se mostra como suxestión no control. A suxestión exhibe o texto en modo usuario ao mover o rato sobre o control.

For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL.

Texto de axuda

Pode especificar información adicional ou un texto descritivo para cada campo de control. Esta propiedade axuda o programador a gardar información adicional útil para o código do programa. Pode usarse, por exemplo, para variábeis ou outros parámetros de avaliación.

Texto predefinido

Sets the default text for a text box or a combo box.

Tipo de letra

For control fields which have visible text or titles, select the display font that you want to use. To open the Font dialog, click the ... button. The selected font is used in control fields names and to display data in table control fields.

Tipo de texto

Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select "Multi-line with formatting" to enter formatted text.

Icona Aviso

Se selecciona o tipo de texto "Multiliña con formatado", non poderá ligar o control a un campo de base de datos.

Icona Nota

Ese control denomínase "Entrada multiliña" para as columnas de texto situadas dentro dun control de táboa.


Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the URL box. The address opens when you click the button.

If you move the mouse over the button in User mode, the URL appears as the extended tip, provided that no other Help text was entered.

URL da Axuda

Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field. The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1.


Na propiedade Valor dos controis ocultos, pódense introducir os datos herdados. Eses datos transferiranse durante o envío do formulario.

Valor máx.

Determina o valor máximo que o usuario pode introducir nos campos monetarios e numéricos.

Valor máx. de desprazamento

Especifica o valor máximo dun control de barra de desprazamento.

Valor mín.

For numerical and currency fields you can determine a minimum value to prevent the user from entering a smaller value.

Valor mín. de desprazamento

Especifica o valor mínimo dun control de barra de desprazamento.

Valor predefinido

Define o valor predefinido do campo de control. O valor predefinido introdúcese, por exemplo, ao abrir un formulario.

For a Reset type button, the Default value entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user.

Valor predefinido de desprazamento

Define o valor predefinido da barra de desprazamento.


Defines whether the control will be visible in live mode. In design mode, the control is always visible.

Note that if this property is set to "Yes" (the default), this does not necessarily mean the control will really appear on the screen. Additional constraints are applied when calculating a control's effective visibility. For instance, a control placed in a hidden section in Writer will never be visible at all, until at least the section itself becomes visible.

If the property is set to "No", then the control will always be hidden in live mode.

Older OpenOffice.org versions up to 3.1 will silently ignore this property when reading documents which make use of it.


Define onde se ancora o control.

Precisamos da súa axuda!