Función UBound

Devolve o límite superior dunha matriz.


UBound (NomeMatriz [, Dimensión])

Valor de retorno:



ArrayName: Name of the array for which you want to determine the upper (Ubound) or the lower (LBound) boundary.

[Dimension]: Integer that specifies which dimension to return the upper(Ubound) or lower (LBound) boundary for. If no value is specified, the boundary of the first dimension is returned.

Códigos de erro

5 Chamada de procedemento incorrecta

9 O índice está fóra do intervalo definido


Sub ExampleUboundLbound
Dim sVar(10 To 20) As String
    Print LBound(sVar())
    Print UBound(sVar())
End Sub
Sub ExampleUboundLbound2
Dim sVar(10 To 20,5 To 70) As String
    Print LBound(sVar()) REM Returns 10
    Print UBound(sVar()) REM Returns 20
    Print LBound(sVar(),2) REM Returns 5
    Print UBound(sVar(),2) REM Returns 70
End Sub

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