

  1. Choose View - Styles.

  2. 按一下您所要建立樣式分類的圖示。

  3. 在文件中您要自其複製此樣式的位置按一下,例如,在您採用手動格式化的段落中。

  4. 按一下 [選取的新樣式] 圖示旁邊的箭頭,然後從子功能表中選擇 [選擇中的新樣式]

  5. [樣式名稱] 方塊中鍵入名稱。

  6. 按一下[確定]


  1. Choose View - Styles.

  2. 按一下您所要建立樣式分類的圖示。

  3. 在您要複製的樣式中至少選取一個字元或物件。對於頁面樣式和框樣式,在頁面或框中至少選取一個字元或物件。

  4. Drag the character or object to the Styles window and release.

    For paragraph and character styles, you can drag-and-drop onto the respective icon in the Styles window. You do not need to open that style category in advance.


You can also drag-and-drop a frame into the Styles window to create a new frame style: Click the frame, wait a moment with the mouse button pressed down, but without moving the mouse, then drag to the Styles window and drop the frame onto the Frame Styles icon.