
Sets the display scale and defines which elements you want to be visible. Most of the commands that you can enter into the Commands window can also be accessed through a mouse click if you have already opened the Elements pane with View - Elements.


縮小或增大 LibreOffice 的螢幕顯示。


增加 25% 的公式顯示比例。目前的遠近因子顯示在狀態列上。可用的遠近選項可以透過 情境選單 來存取。工作區內的情境選單也包含遠近指令。


降低 25% 的公式顯示比例。目前的遠近係數顯示於狀態列上。可用的遠近選項可以透過 情境選單 來存取。工作區中的情境選單也包含遠近指令。

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Displays the entire formula in the maximum size possible so that all elements are included. The formula is reduced or enlarged so that all formula elements can be displayed in the work area. The current zoom factor is displayed on the status bar. A selection of available zoom options is accessible through the context menu. The context menu in the work area also contains zoom commands. The zoom commands and icons are only available in Math documents, not for embedded Math objects.



Changes in the Commands window are automatically updated if AutoUpdate Display is activated.

AutoUpdate Display

Automatically updates a modified formula. If you do not select this option, the formula will only be updated after you choose View - Update or press F9.




顯示或隱藏視窗下邊緣的 [狀態列]


顯示或隱藏 Writer 或 Calc 中的功能表與工具列。若要結束全螢幕模式,請按一下「全螢幕」按鈕或按下 Esc 鍵。