
Vertically aligns the top edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the top edge of the object is aligned to the upper page margin.


選擇「格式」-「對齊」-「向上」(LibreOffice Writer、LibreOffice Calc)

選擇「變更」-「對齊」-「向上」(已選取的物件) (LibreOffice Draw)

右鍵功能表「對齊」-「向上」(已選取的物件) (LibreOffice Impress、LibreOffice Draw)

在繪圖工具列 (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw) 中,按一下


向上 (在邊框)

選取的物件將與其中最上方物件的上邊緣對齊。 To align the individual objects in a group, to enter the group, select the objects, right-click, and then choose an alignment option.