
  1. 字词统计会显示在状态栏中,并随着您的编辑而更新。

  2. 如果只统计文档中的部分文字,请选中要统计的文字。

  3. To display extended statistics such as count of characters without spaces, double click the word count in the status bar, or choose Tools - Word Count.

LibreOffice 如何计算字数?

In general, every string of characters between two spaces is a word. Dashes, tabs, line breaks, and paragraph breaks are word limits, too.

Words with always visible hyphens, as in plug-in, add-on, user/config, are counted as one word each.

词中可同时包含字母、数字以及特殊字符。下列文字包含的词数记为 4:abc123 1.23 "$" http://www.example.com.

To add a custom character to be considered as the word limit, choose - LibreOffice Writer - General and add the character into the Additional separators field.


要获得文档的更多统计信息,请选择文件 - 属性 - 统计

文件 - 属性 - 统计