

在 Writer 中,您可以为页面样式定义边框,而不是为各个页面定义边框。对边框进行的所有修改将应用于使用相同页面样式的所有页面。请注意,LibreOffice 中的“撤消”功能无法撤消页面样式的修改。


  1. 选择 格式 - [页] - 边框

  2. 默认区域中选择一种默认的边框样式。

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  5. 单击确定以应用应用。


  1. 选择 格式 - [页] - 边框

  2. 用户定义区域中,选择要在通用版式中显示的边缘。单击预览中显示的边缘以切换边缘。

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. 要设置其他的边框边缘,请重复上述两个步骤。

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. 单击确定以应用应用。

D'oh! You found a bug (text/swriter/guide/border_character.xhp#border_character not found).