
定义 LibreOffice Calc 的公式语法选项。


Open a spreadsheet document, choose - LibreOffice Calc - Formula.



有三种选项,下面分别举例。示例电子表格中有两个工作表:Sheet1 与 Sheet2。在 Sheet1 的 A1 单元格中引用了 Sheet2 的 C4 单元格。


LibreOffice Calc 中的函数名称可以是译文。本复选框默认不旋中,即显示本地化的函数名。选中本复选框可切换为英文函数名称。该变化会发生在下述位置:公式输入及显示,函数向导及公式提示。当然您可以取消选中本项,恢复本地化函数名称的显示。


本选项组允许您配置公式表达式当中的分隔符。例如当您希望以逗号 (,) 而非分号 (;) 分隔函数参数时,本功能会非常方便。

例如您可以输入 =SUM(A1,B1,C1),而不必输入 =SUM(A1;B1;C1)

类似地,您还可以更改行内数组的列与行分隔符。往常行内数组使用分号 (;) 作为列分隔符,竖线 (|) 作为行分隔符,因此典型的 5×2 行内数组表达式可以这样写:


将列分隔符更改为逗号 (,),行分隔符更改为分号 (;),同样的表达式就会变成这样:



您可以在此配置解析字符串参数所给出的引用时应使用的公式语法。本项会影响将引用作为字符串值对待的内置函数,如 INDIRECT。

Recalculation on File Load

Recalculating formulas can take significant time while loading very large files.

Excel 2007 and newer:

Loading a large spreadsheet file can take a long time. If you don't need to update your large spreadsheet data immediately, you can postpone the recalculation at a better time. LibreOffice allows you to defer recalculation of Excel 2007 (and above) spreadsheets to speedup loading time.

ODF Spreadsheet (not saved by LibreOffice):

Recent versions of LibreOffice caches spreadsheet formula results into its ODF file. This feature helps LibreOffice to recalculate a large ODF spreadsheet saved by LibreOffice faster.

For ODF spreadsheets saved by other programs, where such cached formula results may not exist, recalculation can be deferred to speedup file loading as with Excel 2007 files.

For the entries above the following choices are possible:


LibreOffice saved ODF spreadsheets will honor Never recalculate and Always recalculate options.