
Specifies compatibility settings for text documents. These options help in fine-tuning LibreOffice when importing Microsoft Word documents.


Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Compatibility.




Specifies that printer metrics are applied for printing and also for formatting the display on the screen. If this box is not checked, a printer independent layout will be used for screen display and printing.



Add spacing between paragraphs and tables

In LibreOffice Writer, paragraph spacing is defined differently than in Microsoft Word documents. If you have defined spacing between two paragraphs or tables, spacing is also added in the corresponding Word documents.

Specifies whether to add Microsoft Word-compatible spacing between paragraphs and tables in LibreOffice Writer text documents.

Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages

Specifies whether paragraph spacing at the top of a page will also be effective at the beginning of a page or column if the paragraph is positioned on the first page of the document. The same applies for a page break.


If you import a Word document, the spaces are automatically added during the conversion.

使用 OpenOffice.org 1.1 的缩进格式

Specifies how to align text at tab stops beyond the right margin, how to handle decimal tab stops, and how to handle tab stops close to a line break. If this check box is not selected, tab stops are handled in the same way as in other Office applications.

在由您当前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档中,默认使用新的制表位处理。在由 StarSuite 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档中,使用旧的制表位处理。



在由您当前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档中,默认使用附加前导。在由 StarSuite 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档中,不使用附加前导。

使用 OpenOffice.org 1.1 的行距


在由您当前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档以及最新版本的 Microsoft Word 文档中,使用新过程。在由 StarSuite 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 创建的文本文档中,使用早先的过程。



If the option is off, table cells will be formatted as in Writer versions prior to StarOffice 8 or OpenOffice.org 2.0. If the option is on, an alternative method of formatting table cells will be applied. The option is on by default for new documents created with LibreOffice and for documents imported from Microsoft Word format.

使用 OpenOffice.org 1.1 的对象位置


如果该选项打开,浮动对象的定位方法与 StarOffice 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 相同。如果该选项关闭,则使用另一种方法定位浮动对象,该方法与 Microsoft Word 所使用的方法类似。

The option will be set to off for new documents. For Writer documents created by a version prior to OpenOffice.org 2.0 the option is on.

在对象周围使用 OpenOffice.org 1.1 文字环绕

Microsoft Word and Writer have different approaches on wrapping text around floating screen objects. Floating screen object are Writer frames and drawing objects, and the objects 'text box', 'graphic', 'frame', 'picture' etc. in Microsoft Word.

In Microsoft Word and in current versions of Writer, page header/footer content and footnote/endnote content does not wrap around floating screen objects. Text body content wraps around floating screen objects which are anchored in the page header.

在 StarSuite 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 中,情况正好相反。



指定定位浮动对象(定位至一个字符或段落)的复杂过程如何工作。在 StarSuite 8 或 OpenOffice.org 2.0 之前版本的 Writer 中,使用迭代过程,而在当前版本中,使用与 Microsoft Word 类似的直接过程。

如果该选项关闭,对象定位使用旧 LibreOffice 迭代过程。如果该选项打开,则使用新的直接过程以确保与 Microsoft Word 文档兼容。


如果启用,Writer 会添加字词间的间距,这些字词位于两端对齐的段落以 Shift+Enter 组合键结尾的行中。如果禁用,将不会扩展字词间的间距以使行两端对齐。

对于 .odt 文本文档此设置默认开启。它将与文档一起以 .odt 格式保存并装入。此设置不能保存在旧的 .sxw 文本文档中,因此对于 .sxw 文本文档此设置是关闭的。

Tolerate white lines of PDF page backgrounds for compatibility with old documents

Use LibreOffice 4.3 anchoring paint order and tolerate white lines that may appear in PDF page backgrounds created from legacy documents.


Click to use the current settings on this tab page as the default for further sessions with LibreOffice.


  1. Add spacing between paragraphs and tables

  2. Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages

  3. 增加表格单元格底部的段落和表格间距

  4. 在两端对齐的段落中用手动换行符扩展行间字词的间距