

您可以从证书颁发机构获取证书。不论您选择政府机构还是私营公司,这项服务——例如让他们证明您的身份——通常是要收费的。其他很少几家机构会无偿颁发证书,如开源项目 CAcert 基于知名可靠的 Web of Trust 模型,且正日益普及。



  1. Choose File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures.

  2. 将会出现一个消息框,建议您保存文档。单击保存文件。

  3. 保存后,将出现数字签名对话框。单击添加向文档添加一个公钥。

  4. In the Select Certificate dialog, select your certificate and click OK.

  5. You see again the Digital Signatures dialog, where you can add more certificates if you want. Click OK to add the public key to the saved file.

A signed document shows an icon Icon in the status bar. You can double-click the icon in the status bar to view the certificate.

The result of the signature validation is displayed in the status bar and within the Digital Signature dialog. Several documents and macro signatures can exist inside an ODF document. If there is a problem with one signature, then the validation result of that one signature is assumed for all signatures. That is, if there are ten valid signatures and one invalid signature, then the status bar and the status field in the dialog will flag the signature as invalid.



  1. 选择工具 - 宏 - 数字签名

  2. 按照上文所述的对文档的签名方法来应用签名。

When you open the Basic IDE that contains signed macros, you see an iconIcon in the status bar. You can double-click the icon in the status bar to view the certificate.