
  1. 打开包含有数据库字段的窗体文档。

    As an example, open an empty text document and press + Shift + F4 keys. Open the bibliography database table biblio in the data source view. While pressing Shift+, drag a few column headers into the document so that the form fields are created.

  2. On the Form Controls toolbar, click the Design Mode On/Off iconIcon to turn off the design mode.

  3. On the Form Navigation toolbar, click the Form-Based Filters iconIcon. The current document is displayed with its form controls as an empty edit mask. The Form Filter toolbar appears.

  4. 在一个或多个字段中输入筛选条件。请注意,如果在多个字段中输入筛选条件,则需要符合所有这些输入的条件(逻辑 AND)。


如果您在窗体筛选器工具栏上单击应用窗体式筛选器图标,则会应用筛选器。 可以看到窗体导航工具栏,并且可以浏览找到的记录。


Click the Apply Filter iconIcon on the Form Navigation toolbar to change to the filtered view.

The filter that has been set can be removed by clicking Reset Filter/Sort iconIcon.

