


在该例子中,您可以在公式中使用字符串'Column One'作为对单元格区域B3B5的引用,或者使用字符串'Column Two'作为对单元格区域C2C5的引用。您也可以使用'Row One'表示单元格区域B3D3,或者使用'Row Two'表示单元格区域B4D4。公式SUM('Column One')中使用了单元格名称,其计算结果为600.

此功能默认已开启。要关闭该功能,请选择 - LibreOffice Calc - 计算 并清除 自动查找行标签和列标签 复选框。


If you want a name to be automatically recognized by Calc, the name must start with a letter and be composed of alphanumeric characters. If you enter the name in the formula yourself, enclose the name in single quotation marks ('). If a single quotation mark appears in a name, you must enter a backslash in front of the quotation mark, for example, 'Harry\'s Bar'.